Ready For Retirement

Introducing the New Ready For Retirement

August 13, 2024 James Conole, CFP® Episode 228

Ready for Retirement is on a mission to be the most valuable source of retirement information in the world. In that light, we’re making some changes. The biggest change is that rather than James doing all the talking, he’s inviting people like you to be part of the show. Some of you have real-life retirement advice to share. Others of you have questions that James can address. Ready for Retirement is poised to be a place for both. Get all the details in today’s episode.

Questions answered:
How will the format of the Tuesday YouTube video and the Saturday podcast change?
How can I participate?

Submit your request to join James:
On the Ready For Retirement podcast: Apply Here
On a Retirement Makeover episode: Apply Here 

0:00 - A new format
1:41 - Upcoming podcast changes
2:56 - Retirement makeovers on YouTube
4:23 - How to participate
6:39 - How to apply
7:43 - Wrap-up

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Speaker 1:

I want this show to be the most valuable source of retirement information in the world. You trust me with your time and you trust me with your attention, and because of that, I want to make sure that every single episode of this show is as valuable as it can possibly be. That's why, today, I'm so excited to announce the launch of a new format, a format that I think you'll really enjoy, and really a format that gets all of you the listeners involved. This is another episode of Ready for Retirement. I'm your host, james Canole, and I'm here to teach you how to get the most out of life with your money. And now on to the episode.

Speaker 1:

Up until now, this has been a podcast where I've primarily told you things. Whether it's a topic on investments or taxes or preparing for retirement, it's been me talking to you about retirement. I want to take this a step further. I want to make this as valuable as possible, so I want to invite you all into the show, and so what we're going to do going forward is to make this content really based around actual people, to show you how they've planned their retirements, both the financial side as well as the psychological and emotional side. So here's how the format exists today, and I want to walk you through how we're going to make changes and what those changes look like, as well as what you can do to be part of it. So, as of now, we release a podcast every single Tuesday and we release a new YouTube video every single Saturday. The difference between the two is the podcast is audio first, so it's something that we also post on YouTube every single Tuesday. We have a podcast, and it's audio first. I mean, there's no visuals, there's no graphs, there's no graphs, there's no charts. I record it. So you see me, but it's me really just walking you through, typically a question that a listener asks. That's good, but I want to extend that and I'm going to show you how we will. On Saturdays, we release a YouTube video. The YouTube show is more visual first, meaning I'm still talking about a certain concept, a financial concept, whether it's taxes or investments or preparing for retirement, but there's graphs, there's charts, there's text, there's things to back up what I'm saying or to illustrate what I'm saying. Here's the change that we're going to make. We're still going to do the podcast and we're still going to do the YouTube show, the podcast, though I want to invite all of you onto it.

Speaker 1:

So many of you have successfully transitioned into retirement, but you've learned things Either things that were different than what you expected, or fun surprises, or things to avoid, or whatever the case might be. Too often, I see that people are very financially prepared for retirement, but they are not mentally prepared. They're not psychologically prepared, and it's because they don't know who to talk to for things like this. They can tune into this show, they can tune into other shows and learn about Roth conversions and learn about how to invest, but there's not someone who's helping them to walk through. Here's what you need to look out for. Here's what it's going to be like when you don't have a schedule showing you what to do every day. Here's what it's going to be like when you're with your spouse 24-7, unlike when you were working. Those are the things, those are the conversations I think people want to hear, to learn about. What's it going to be like on the other side? What's going to be like to transition into retirement and, most importantly, how do I make the most of that transition? So that's going to be a podcast. The first one's going to be released next week, where I'm inviting you all. It's nothing that's going to be overly edited or overproduced. It's just a real conversation with real people who have gone there before and who are very willing to share their experiences. Both the the YouTube channel is going to be a bit different. The YouTube channel is going to be the case study concept that I've done there before. So, by the way, if you're listening to this and you're listening to the podcast, make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel as well, because that's where a lot of this new content is going to be.

Speaker 1:

And instead of just doing a case study where I'll take something that's loosely based on real clients and walk you through what we did, there's value to that, but it's missing some of the back and forth. Sometimes the value comes from clients asking questions as we're going through a concept. Sometimes the value comes from people seeing things one way and that conversation that follows when I might see something another way and we can have that conversation about why something makes sense. So, instead of just doing a case study, I'm inviting you all to participate in what we're calling the retirement makeover. The retirement makeover is our chance to say submit your information ahead of time, we're going to review it, we're going to build out a plan. We're going to have a real call with real people, with their real information, showing what we did to address various goals. This could be questions around Roth conversions. This could be questions around do I have enough to retire? This could be questions around I'm selling my business. How is that going to impact the long-term future and what we have here? All questions are welcome, all questions are encouraged, but what we're doing is we're elevating it above just a simple case study format where it's pre-packaged, pre-built and then presented to you into something that is recorded, something that's real, something that's a real person on the other side having a conversation so you can see how we might walk you through that specific concept. So, for those of you listening, I really hope that you enjoy these new formats. We're experimenting, we're trying new things, all in the hopes, again, of making this the most valuable source of retirement information on the planet.

Speaker 1:

For those of you that want to participate, I want to give you information about what you can do to actually be a guest on the show and have us go through this together. The first thing to note is there's no cost, whether you're a guest on the podcast and you're talking about your retirement experiences, or you're a guest on the Retirement Makeover and we're actually walking through financial projections together and actually giving you advice. There is no cost for any of this. However, you do need to sign a media release form. The goal, of course, is to record what we're doing and share that with our audience so we can walk through and illustrate key financial concepts, but that, of course, requires a media release form.

Speaker 1:

In addition to that, if you're participating in the retirement makeover, there will also be an advisory agreement that you have to sign. So, for those of you that don't know, I own a financial planning company called Root Financial where we give specific feedback and guidance and recommendations to clients. All of our clients have an advisory agreement. When I'm going over case studies previously on this podcast or the YouTube channel, I did not have an advisory agreement with anyone that I was providing guidance to, and so, because of that, it really wasn't guidance, it was education, it was high level, it was exploring different frameworks in which to approach things. The difference here is it's going to be real information now, real feedback, real recommendations to real people. So, of course, there will be an advisory agreement involved so that we can actually give you specific recommendations Now with that.

Speaker 1:

I do want to be upfront. When we are working with clients on an ongoing basis, we go very comprehensive, we go very deep and we're working together on an ongoing basis. This is designed to be a single call. A retirement makeover call Could be 15 minutes, it could be 25 minutes, it could be 35. We'll figure that out as we're going through this. This can be the right amount of time to fully address the questions and the goals that people are coming to us with. However, I do want to be very clear. It's not an ongoing engagement. People are free to engage us at root for the ongoing engagement, but for the retirement makeover, there's no cost, but it is limited in scope to that single call. We're going to do a lot of prep work and analysts from our team is actually going to be in touch with you to fill out your profile and make sure we have all financial information. You have uploaded your stuff to our financial planning dashboard, so we'll do a lot of prep, but it will then be limited to one single call when we're talking about the scope of what that looks like. So that's it For those of you that want to be part of it. That's what I want to give in terms of high-level expectations.

Speaker 1:

There is a link in the show notes here, whether you're listening to this as a podcast or on our YouTube channel. There's a link in the description where you can submit your information and request to be part of either the podcast, which again is going to be a conversation about how has your retirement transition gone, what's worked well, what hasn't share your wisdom and experience, or to be part of the retirement makeover, where we'll actually go through a case study showing your actual information and giving you specific recommendations. You can apply for both of those below. One thing I do want to be very clear on we are going to give specific guidance when it comes to the retirement makeover. We will not be providing specific investment recommendations, meaning there's not gonna be specific mutual funds or stocks or ETFs we're recommending. So we may be talking about the overall allocation that you may need, but more so we're gonna be talking about long-term projections Can you retire Illustrating key concepts that are crucial for people to understand and for those of you that wanna participate, take a look and click the links below so you can submit your information and, as we're looking through that, we may be inviting you onto the show.

Speaker 1:

So today's just a real quick episode. There's nothing of substance here in terms of exploring an actual concept, as much as I want to prepare you for how this show is going to change over time, what the new format is going to look like. Really excited for this Already have a lot of people who have volunteered to be part of it and we're starting that recording process, but wanted to announce this to all of you so you understand where the show is going and what you can do to be a part of it. So thank you to all of you. Thank you for listening, thank you for sharing this with friends and coworkers and family members. Thank you for being part of this. The goal, I'll say one more time, is to make this the most valuable source of retirement information in the world. So whatever we can do to make sure that happens, we're committed to doing so. We welcome feedback from all of you as we're launching this new format of. Is this helpful? What would you like to see more of? How could we make this even more valuable for all of you so that we can continue upon that mission? Thanks for listening, looking for this new format rolling out and we'll see you all next time.

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it's me again for the disclaimer. Please be smart about this. Before doing anything, please be sure to consult with your tax planner or financial planner. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as investment, tax, legal or other financial advice. It is for informational purposes only. Thank you for listening to another episode of the Ready for Retirement podcast. If you want to see how Root Financial can help you implement the techniques I discussed in this podcast, then go to rootfinancialpartnerscom and click start here, where you can schedule a call with one of our advisors. We work with clients all over the country and we love the opportunity to speak with you about your goals and how we might be able to help. And please remember, nothing we discuss in this podcast is intended to serve as advice. You should always consult a financial, legal or tax professional who's familiar with your unique circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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